Brothers In Arms

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Trees. They seem to be attracting my photographic attention at the moment.

I’ve always liked the aesthetic of a lone tree and have captured many images of some fine examples over the years. From the Hawthorns on the limestone pavements of the Yorkshire dales, to the classic shot at Llyn Padarn in Snowdonia.

This time I found myself in the Peak District Nation Park, specifically walking up to Over Owler Tor. The views from the top are fantastic, a classic Peak District vista. Starting from the woodland around the carpark, you climb up on to the open moorland past the rock formation known as The Mother Cap and then on towards the Tor itself.

As you emerge from the treeline and on to the moors, you find the occasional Birch tree. Or in this case a pair.

Hard to resist from a compositional point of view. The valley going off into the distance. The stark white birch bark. The heather just beginning to come in to summer colour.

I’ve visited here many times and heartily recommend it. With or without a camera in hand.

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Reflecting On A Sunrise


A Local Tree, For Local People