The Celestial Dawn (Part 2)


One of the reasons why I was racing against time and tide while capturing the images of the Celestial Dawn boat wreck was because I’d taken a little detour before getting to the wreck location.

Just up the coast is a fantastic piece of public art, situated right on the beach.

This is Mary’s Shell.

It’s a place I’ve visited before but it’s always played second fiddle, being visited as an after thought while in the area. For this reason, I’ve never managed to time the tide correctly. I’ve never been able to capture an image of the sculpture with a high tide swirling around it.

I’ve had a vision of a piece of fine art photography utilising the location for a while and on this particular day, tide and timing were perfect… the wreck would have to wait.

Using ND filters I managed to slow the shutter down just enough to smooth out the water. The haze and drizzle on the day also played their part and the final images were exactly what I’d envisioned.

Simple, minimal and mono.


Three Is The Magic Number


The Celestial Dawn (Part 1)