Out in the Peaks

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Spent the day location scouting around the Peak District.

Here’s a shot of the Grey Ladies standing stones. A really atmospheric location and one I will be returning to.

From Wikipedia: Some times called Nine Stones Close, this small stone circle is located on the edge of Harthill Moor in Derbyshire, it consists of four remaining upright stones which were originally part of a circle of around 30m in diameter, plus the sites of several others which were removed in the 18th and 19th centuries. One of the stones was appropriated in the 18th century is now used as an oversized field gatepost nearby.

It is uncertain whether there were originally nine stones, one theory being that nine is a corruption of 'noon', said to be the time when, according to local folklore, fairies would gather at the site to dance


Lumb Hole Falls


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