Out At Last!


Finally the lockdown is easing and I can get out with the camera again.

With scenes of chaos on the news as people flocked to the coast, I decided to go out to the Dales and picked a day when rain was forecast to hopefully thin out the number of visitors.

I needn’t have worried, social distancing wasn’t a problem. I only saw two people all day and they must have been at least fifty metres away.

The rain wasn’t an issue either but the wind certainly was. I didn’t notice on the forecast but gusts of 30mph meant that keeping the tripod steady was near to impossible.

In the end I had to call it a day after a couple of locations and a pair of ripped trousers (that’s another story).

Visited Scalber Force and the Hoffman lime kiln.

Just so glad to be out with the camera again.


Rainy Days

